Mobile Connectivity

To successfully create and maintain convincing online personas, it’s essential that they appear as real as possible. This includes ensuring that their internet connectivity reflects the location and behavior of a genuine individual. Alias’s connectivity is designed to provide just that—realistic, location-specific internet access that matches to your digital persona.

network tower over a map of the world
map of the USA showing points of network connectivity
map of the USA showing points of network connectivity

Realistic Location-Based Connectivity

  • Consistent Across Devices

    The same mobile connection is used for both your virtual desktops and phones, ensuring consistency in your persona’s online presence. This consistency is key to maintaining the illusion of a real individual.

  • Beyond VPNs

    Unlike VPNs, which are often ineffective for OSINT and blocked by social media platforms, Alias’s connectivity provides direct access through local mobile networks. This method avoids common pitfalls associated with VPN usage and ensures that your connections are accepted as legitimate by the platforms you interact with.

  • Essential GEO IP Data

    Many investigations rely on social media platform suggestion algorithms, which are directly influenced by the type of internet connection you have and its GeoIP data. By using genuine location-based connectivity, Alias enhances the effectiveness of these algorithms, allowing you to utilize honeypotting capability to its fullest potential.

  • Authentic Internet Access

    Select from 100 different locations within North America for your Alias instance to route through (Europe available upon request). All connectivity between your instance’s virtual desktop and phone will be securely routed to that physical location and connect to the mobile carrier via a custom wireless device at LTE or 5G speeds.

Secure and Reliable Routing

Traffic Routing Outside the Instance

All network traffic is securely routed through the selected city and wireless network you select. All routing is managed outside the Alias instance itself, ensuring there is no trace of VPN clients or software running within the virtual desktop or phone. This setup ensures that the routing cannot be accidentally disabled or bypassed by the user, providing an additional layer of security for your operations.

On-Demand Location Changes

Need to mimic someone traveling? Alias allows you to change the city for a specific instance on-demand, enabling you to adjust your persona’s location as needed.

Dynamic IP Rotation

Just like a regular mobile internet connection, our service includes typical mobile provider IP rotations further enhancing the realism of your online persona.

By utilizing Alias’s Mobile Connectivity, you not only enhance the authenticity of your digital personas but also save significant time and money.

Instead of relying on cumbersome and less effective alternatives like VPNs, coffee shops, multiple residential providers, and burnet phones, Alias provides a streamlined solution that integrates directly into your workflow. With realistic location-based internet access, seamless integration across devices, and the flexibility to adapt to any scenario, you can focus on your investigations with confidence, knowing that your online presence is both secure and credible.

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